Chances are, you're wondering at this moment one obvious question. "What is Northrå?" is a fantastic question, and the answer is just as simple as the question itself. Northrå is the home of stunning, wooden, handmade home necessities for those who care. Those who care about their own home, and the great, vast world we all call home. We create intentional, sustainable goods for your space and self to ensure your optimal environment.
With a diverse offering line of products including candelabras, coat hooks, kitchen essentials, home office utilities, wall art and more, we intend to grow Northrå H&T into the best of offerings for sustainable woodwork. How? Every single part of every creation is handmade with sustainably sourced, American hardwoods. With each and every purchase, your new essential goes towards our donation fund to a variety of nonprofits dedicated to forestry. Reforestation, Conservation, and Urban Forestry - a pressing challenge of our time, but one we're committed to helping solve.
Imagine a world where the wood of one tree plants 100. A world where items that are made to last generations grow trees that grow beside generations. We wanted this to be real too, so we're off to the races, striving to make it real.
Introducing Northrå H&T. Quality, beauty, prosperity - with a purpose.